Martin John Mwaipopo was a famous priest by the wishes of his father. He started to consider where exactly these sacred texts stand as far as authenticity, origin, etc. Then he became interested in the Qur’an. He says, “When I opened the Qur’an , the first verses I came across were, ‘ Say : He is Allah , The One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begeteteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him? (Surah Ikhlas)’ ", he recalls. That was when the seeds of Islam, unknown to him, were first sown. It was then that he discovered that the Qur’an was the only scripture book that had been not been tampered with, by human beings since its revelation. And in concluding my doctoral thesis I said so. I didn’t care whether they give me my doctorate or not - that was the truth, and I was looking for the truth". Does the truth always mean something that hasn’t been altered with? Sometimes people take sacred texts and automatically believe that everything in it is true because it’s from a long time ago. Does this make the truth right because it is old? With that opinion, there is no room for change within a system of set rules in a sacred text. That same text was used as a guide before- and most people didn’t think it was entirely true. What made these guides change to strict rules? People were in deep search of the truth as each religion became popular and organized. However, if most just thought about how this religion applies to life instead of exactly what it says about life- then things would have been easier for those who were experimenting with religion and for those who didn’t know where to turn to. Some preach the word of their God and think that they are doing everything right, when instead they should preach for what they believe in and how they believe in it. For example, the Qur’an says much about male dominance, but that would defeat the purpose of allowing women to vote and to have fair jobs/opportunities. [1]
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